Granular Recovery

Discover the benefits of Granular Recovery, a precise data restoration method that enables the recovery of individual files, folders, or specific data elements.


Granular Recovery refers to the capability of restoring individual files, folders, or application components from a backup or snapshot, rather than performing a complete restoration of the entire system. It allows for selective recovery of specific data elements, providing flexibility and efficiency in data restoration processes.


Granular Recovery refers to the capability of restoring individual files, folders, or application components from a backup or snapshot, rather than performing a complete restoration of the entire system. It allows for selective recovery of specific data elements, providing flexibility and efficiency in data restoration processes.

  • Full Restoration: The process of restoring an entire system, dataset, or backup to its original state. Granular Recovery offers an alternative to full restorations by providing selective recovery options.

  • Point-in-Time Recovery: The ability to recover data to a specific point in time, often achieved through granular recovery options. It allows organizations to roll back data to a specific state before an issue or data loss occurred.

  • Snapshot: A point-in-time copy or image of a system, disk, or data at a particular moment. Granular Recovery can leverage snapshots to enable the restoration of specific data elements without relying on full backups.

  • Backup Software: Software solutions designed for creating and managing backups. Backup software often includes granular recovery capabilities as a key feature.

  • Data Protection: The practice of safeguarding data from loss, corruption, or unauthorized access. Granular Recovery is an essential component of data protection strategies, allowing for precise restoration of critical data.

  • Disaster Recovery: The process and set of strategies for recovering IT infrastructure and data following a significant disruptive event. Granular Recovery plays a role in disaster recovery by enabling selective restoration of specific data elements in a timely manner.

  • Data Backup: The process of creating copies of data to protect against data loss or corruption. Granular Recovery complements data backup strategies by offering selective recovery options.

  • Recovery Point Objective (RPO): The maximum acceptable amount of data loss in the event of a failure or data loss incident. Granular Recovery contributes to achieving shorter RPOs by allowing for targeted restoration of critical data elements.

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